Iso Primer Shargh (Water Primer)

Isoprimer is a special water primer applied as preparatory coating put on the surface primarily to installation of bitumen based insulation materials. The application of this product helps to remove the surface dust enhancing the installation quality and prolonging the insulation materials life-time.

Isogumshargh Products, Isoprimer Shargh (Water Primer)


  • Preparatory coating primarily to installation of insulation materials
  • Providing excellent protection for metal surface exposed to corrosion
  • Providing required protection for concrete foundations

How to Apply?

To achieve the desired density add required water to the product before coating the surface.


The following information refers to the product specifications after the application of the product in dry condition:

Features Quantitative Measurements
Softening Point 80°C
Elongation 20%
Flash Point Over 250°C